Jeffrey Horowitz
Avoided Deforestation Partners

Jeff Horowitz is the founder of Avoided Deforestation Partners, an international network dedicated to reducing global carbon emissions from deforestation. Since its inception in 2007, ADP has become one of the most effective U.S.-based policy organizations for halting tropical deforestation. ADP forged a landmark consensus agreement on U.S. forest-climate policy among leading environmental and business groups, and was responsible for creating “The Tropical Forest & Climate Unity Agreement.” The TFCC agreement formed the basis for forest principles in the Waxman-Markey Bill, representing a package of funds and offset crediting amounting to $14 billion per year to protect tropical rainforests. The Unity Agreement has been informally adopted by the U.S. Administration as their policy on international forest protection. In addition to legislation, ADP has had an influential role in creating and supporting the U.S. $1 billion pledge to fund REDD+. Among other initiatives, ADP is actively involved with advancing forest provisions in California’s climate legislation.

Authors Roundtable
9:30am - 10:30am