Anthony Eggert
Deputy Secretary for Energy Policy
California Environmental Protection Agency

Anthony Eggert currently serves as the Deputy Secretary for Energy Policy with the California EPA. His prior positions within California government include serving as a Commissioner on the California Energy Commission (CEC) with responsibilities for Energy Efficiency, Transportation, Climate Change, Federal Stimulus and several power plant siting cases and as Science and Technology Policy Advisor to the Chair of the Air Resources Board helping to implement California’s clean air laws including the Global Warming Solutions Act.

His career prior to state service includes advising the University of California on federal energy and climate policy, directing research on low-carbon fuels and vehicles at UC Davis’ Institute of Transportation Studies, and as a engineer and then manager for Ford Motor Company working on emissions control, fuel economy, and advanced vehicle technologies.

Path 1: Carbon Markets in North America
Juggling Renewables and Carbon
2:00pm - 4:00pm